Virtual Office

Welcome to the Virtual Office
The website has been updated. For security reasons you are required to change your password once before you log in. Please use the "forgot password" link on the login page.

NOTE: The Virtual Office will be offline for scheduled maintenance during the weekend of July 27th and will reopen on July 29th at 7:00 AM EST

Our Virtual Office suite of utilities centers on a robust, interactive Weekly Income Replacement Benefit IRB Calculator. The online IRB calculator is updated constantly to reflect:
  1. changes to the SABS;
  2. changes emanating from decisions made by FSCO; and
  3. revisions to federal and Ontario tax rates.

The Virtual Office also includes lump sum, bi-weekly and monthly deficient interest, date/business date and financial dependency calculators, a host of useful guidelines, checklists & forms, and synopses of recent FSCO decisions as they relate to quantum.

Virtual Office v5.2 – Copyright © 2024 KPMG LLP, an Ontario limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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